Interested in joining our team of over-achievers?
Check for opportunities on the Manatee County Government Human Resources page: Manatee County Jobs Page.
What you can expect:

ITS Organizational Performance Standards
The Information Technology Services Department (ITS) is a team of people with complementary strengths who are committed to a common purpose, who aspire to consistently drive toward a higher standard of performance, and who hold each other mutually accountable for the success of the organization. To succeed as an organization, we must also succeed as individuals…as we are only as strong as our weakest link. With that credence, the Organizational Performance Standards Document is used as the guide for “walking the walk” for a team comprised of highly skilled, highly accountable professionals with a passion to provide quality services that matter to our customers. Take a look…..see how we roll!
First Day:
ITS INSIDER INFO: The Parking Garage is eight floors. When you get off the 8th floor of the Parking Garage, you will be on the 6th floor of the Administrative Building. This confuses a lot of people!
Congrats! You must be very talented AND have a passion to serve the citizens of Manatee County! Human Resources will be your first stop. As an FYI, the Human Resources Team will provide you instructions before your first day on the job….where to park, where to report to, and what you will be doing for the first part of the day.
Generally, ITS is business casual. Step it up a notch for Executive Meetings. Drop it down a bit for out in the field work.
After the Human Resources detail work, come join the team in the early afternoon of your first day. Our Human Resource liaison will show you around and you will be introduced to your Functional Team Partner. He or she will be your go-to for the duration of your successful acclimation to the new surroundings.
Lunch? Your choice……brown bag it or walk to one of the great local eatery’s. Either way, we will make certain you have company!
Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to get settled into your new digs and meet with the Manager of the Team.
Moving Forward:
There will be a lot of opportunities to understand the details. You will meet with the ITS Director and the Leadership Team. Your Functional Team Partner will make sure you have access to the tools you need and explain why those tools are important. We’ll make certain we get invites on your calendar so you’ll know what the organization does from the 30,000-foot view. And, most importantly, make sure you are engaged in the small stuff that is directly related to your realm of expertise.
About Us:
You’ve settled in and it’s important to know some stuff that will help in understanding the culture of the organization. First, the ITS Vision and Mission:
Business Value through Partnership ...the Service Provider of Choice
We exist to enable the business with speed and scale, and to provide solutions to real business problems and opportunities in pursuit of customer satisfaction and desired outcomes. We specialize in leadership, and provide experienced professionals, innovation and core enterprise technologies that meet the critical business drivers of our customers.
Our employees matter and we value their contribution as our core competency. We are committed to recruit, develop, reward, and retain personnel of exceptional ability, character, and dedication.
And there’s More:

ITS Business Strategy
The Information Technology Services Department is an outward facing service associate partner, that is, ITS is relied upon for supporting the network, technology backbone, hardware, and relative applications for departments under the purview of the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners, and additional support services are provided to the Constitutional Offices.
ITS is the hub of all things with a technical under coat and we drive to provide quality services to and for our customers. The efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of our services directly impact our internal customers, and then to, our mutual customers: the citizens of Manatee County.
Manatee County Government’s core values steer ITS’ approach to service provision. Manatee County Government is committed to assuring we are accountable, civil, and ethical in our behavior and interactions with each other, and our citizens.
Want to know what keeps us busy? While not all inclusive, the ITS Strategic Business Plan provides an overall summary of the great things happening.
We hope the information provided will give you a jump-start in your new adventure.
We look forward to working with you. Welcome aboard!