Report an Environmental Complaint

The Environmental Protection Division investigates citizen complaints on a wide variety of environmental issues.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • surface water quality
  • construction site erosion and sedimentation control
  • use of the Municipal Stormwater System
  • fish kills
  • algae blooms
  • handling and storage of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

We have many responsibilities under the Manatee County Land Development Code, several programs delegated to us by the state and are responsible for implementing several County ordinances.

Report a Complaint

The best way to report an environmental complaint is to contact the Manatee County 3-1-1 online or by calling 3-1-1 (or (941) 748-4501 if calling from outside Manatee County). They will take your report and alert all departments potentially involved with a particular complaint, which is particularly useful for resolving environmental complaints.

We'll need the following information:

  • Description of your concern
  • Date and time that you observed the problem
  • Where it occurred (street address near the problem location, if possible)
  • Your name and contact information if you want us to call you back with the findings of our investigation

Report Issue Online

Visit our Environmental Emergencies page to find out how to report an issue regarding air quality, wildlife or boating violations.

The Process

Complaint investigations are interleaved with other field investigations. We cannot offer immediate response in all circumstances.

The length of time to resolve an issue depends upon the complexity of the issue and whether we have to get other Departments or Agencies involved. Any official notifications of non-compliance must be made by registered mail, which adds several days to the process.

In most situations where we can quickly identify and meet with the responsible party we can resolve the issue quickly.

Gallery of Common Environmental Complaints

Hay bales

Improper use of a hay bale for erosion control

Roadside gutter

Roadside gutter filled by erosion from adjacent construction sites

Silt fence installation

Specialized silt fence installation for road widening project

Stormwater culvert

A typical stormwater culvert such as those found at road crossings


Canals are the largest structures in the municipal storm sewer system

Oil collection tank

Over-filled waste oil collection tank at a commercial/industrial facility


Improved pasture at a typical landspreading site

Inlet with poor erosion protection

Drop inlet with poor erosion and sedimentation protection

Construction site with no erosion controls

Construction site entry with no erosion controls

algae bloom

Algae bloom in an agricultural drainage system caused by excess nutrients

stormwater drop inlet

A typical stormwater "drop inlet" configuration used for road drainage

fish kill in stormwater pond

Fish kill in a stormwater pond caused by cold weather

algae growth in roadside stormwater ditch

Algal growth in a roadside stormwater ditch

pasture with dry cake residuals

Improved pasture immediately after an application of "dry-cake" type residuals

construction site without erosion controls

Construction site without any erosion or sedimentation controls

silt fence

Silt fence on the perimeter of a construction site's disturbed area

turbidity control boom

Typical turbidity control boom deployment

Illicit dumping in wetlands

Illicit dumping in wetlands harms the wetland and causes stormwater pollution

Uncovered portion of material handling and storage area

Uncovered portions of this material handling and storage area are stormwater pollution threats

Improperly labeled drums

Improperly labeled drums behind a commercial/industrial facility

Temporary storage windrows for dry-cake residuals

Typical temporary storage windrows for "dry-cake" residuals