Homeless Programs and Services

The mission of the Manatee County Homeless Services Division is to ensure there is appropriate access to services, which both engage and empower individuals experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of losing their home, to find and maintain viable solutions to their housing instability. Homeless Services works in collaboration with Public Safety, the Continuum of Care, the homeless coalition and other local non-profits serving this population to foster community cohesion.

Manatee County Government does not provide direct financial support to the public for housing, but included below is some information on the agencies throughout Manatee County that offer resources for those experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of losing their current place of residence.

It is also recommended to contact Suncoast 2-1-1 through either their website (link below) or by dialing 2-1-1 on your phone. Making An Impact (link below) also provides a free resource guide for both Manatee and Sarasota counties that link a wide variety of resources for any type of need.


  • Leah Hudson, Homeless Project Manager
  • (941) 748-4501, x1264
  • Email Us

I am a Manatee County Resident in Need

For resources specific to individuals and families fleeing domestic violence, contact HOPE Family Services.

For emergency shelter, contact The Salvation Army Manatee.

For rent, utilities, or basic needs assistance, contact Turning Points.

For additional services and resources, please refer to the below resource guides:

Making an Impact
211 Suncoast Cares
Turning Points' PATH Directory

I would like more information regarding non-profit funding and collaboration opportunities

Funding Opportunities

Each year, Manatee County Government accepts applications from not-for-profit agencies for the provision of homeless services needed in Manatee County.

Non-Profit Information and Application Process

The Health Services Section facilitates the funding of services that are:
  • Critical to the well being of the community, whether it deals with healthcare, mental and behavioral health and/or homelessness
  • Strategically effective to the well-being of the community

I would like to collaborate on a community project

Individuals who are interested in learning more about current projects and opportunities for community collaboration are highly encouraged to contact the Homeless Policy Coordinator.

Current opportunities for collaboration:

  • Increasing programs with long-term supportive housing goals and accompanying case management services
  • Increase affordable housing stock
  • Increasing private-public partnerships
  • Increasing services for specific populations and homeless-related social services

Collaboration Opportunities

Non-profits in Manatee County who are looking for opportunities to collaborate and partner with fellow non-profit leaders are encouraged to attend regular community meetings via Manatee County PATH and Suncoast Continuum of Care.