Contact Your Commissioner

Carol Ann Felts, District 1
[email protected]

Amanda Ballard, District 2

Tal Siddique, District 3
[email protected]

Mike Rahn, District 4
[email protected]

Dr. Bob McCann, District 5
[email protected]

Jason Bearden, At Large
[email protected]

George Kruse, At Large
[email protected]

Email all Commissioners

Mailing address
P.O. Box 1000
Bradenton, FL 34206-1000 

Fax:  (941) 745-3790

Email or Call commissioner aides:

  • Commissioner Carol Ann Felts (District 1): Vinola Rodrigues, 941-398-6758
  • Commissioner Amanda Ballard (District 2): Cindy Nelson, 941-748-4501, x3705
  • Commissioner Tal Siddique (District 3): Maria Zuleta, 941-398-4729
  • Commissioner Mike Rahn (District 4): Marianne Bejster, 941-748-4501, x3721
  • Commissioner Dr. Bob McCann (District 5): Ed Bailey, 941-748-4501, x3773
  • Commissioner Jason Bearden (At Large - District 6): Kelli OMalley, 941-748-4501, x3707 
  • Commissioner George Kruse (Chair & At Large - District 7): Dana Summers, 941-745-3708

Please note: All information emailed to Commissioners is subject to the Florida Sunshine Law.


Make an appointment to meet with your commissioner

To meet with your County Commissioner, please contact the appropriate aide listed above.

Explain the purpose of your call. It is easier for the Board assistants to arrange a meeting if they know what you wish to discuss.

Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law provides a right of access to governmental proceedings of public boards or Commissions at both the state and local levels.

The Sunshine Law does not permit County Commissioners to meet regarding a planned development commercial (PDC), appeal of a site plan, a rezone, planned development residential (PDR) or planned development industrial (PDI).

Any communication with County Commissioners, regarding land use matters, must be made during the advertised land use meeting or must be submitted, prior to the public hearing in writing, to the Board of County Commissioners so all parties can be copied.

County Administration Building

1112 Manatee Ave. W., Suite 903
Bradenton, FL 34205

Tips for communicating with your County Commissioners

It is much easier to impact the decision making of any governing board when you know the process, rules and laws.

By sharing your opinions and ideas with your Commissioner, you help them decide what to do about current issues and problems. They value your suggestions and encourage you to express them.

County Commissioners receive an extremely large number of telephone calls and mail from their constituents. Unfortunately, their full agendas limit their ability to personally respond to it all. 

  • State your purpose for writing in the first sentence of your correspondence.
  • Be courteous and polite, even if you disagree strongly with the Commissioner.
  • If appropriate, include personal information about why the issue matters to you.
  • Cover only one issue per email or letter. If you have another issue to address, please write another message. Back up your opinions with supporting facts.
  • Tell the Commissioner what effect you think a particular issue will have on you, your children, business or community. Be concise but specific.
  • Suggest a course of action and offer assistance. Never make promises or threats.