Over $450,000 available to Special Needs/Low-Income Households through the Manatee County SHIP Housing Rehabilitation/Replacement Program

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (November 1, 2021) – Beginning November 1, the Manatee County SHIP Housing Rehabilitation/Replacement Program will begin accepting applications for low-income and very low-income Special Needs Manatee County Homeowners to apply for housing repair or replacement funding.
From November 1 through November 29, online applications will be available to low-income Special Needs homeowners for 0% interest 30-year loans with deferred payments to make code-related repairs or replace unsound/deteriorated structures for single family homes.
Program emphasis is on home modifications, including technological enhancements and devices, allowing homeowners to remain independent in their homes and maintain their homeownership. In addition, single-family housing conditions can be corrected and modified to improve the health, safety, and welfare of the residents.
To be eligible, households must be in unincorporated Manatee County or the City of Palmetto and meet additional program requirements. Read all eligibility requirements online under How Do I Qualify?.
The deadline to apply for the SHIP Housing Rehabilitation/Replacement Program is November 29 at 5 p.m. Once all applications are submitted, qualified applicants will be entered into a random drawing for selection in the application review process. Applications will be reviewed, and funding will be awarded in December to households meeting the eligibility requirements until all funds have been committed.
If you or someone you know would qualify and benefit from this program, applications are available online on the Manatee County Rehabilitation/Replacement Program webpage. Those who need assistance applying can call the Manatee County Redevelopment and Economic Opportunity Department (REO) at (941) 749-3029.