MANATEE COUNTY, FL (July 24, 2020) – Manatee County Commissioners will discuss accessory dwelling units — a topic of high public interest — during a work session planned for Aug. 4 at 9 a.m.
Since the last County Commission discussion on ADUs in 2019, the County's planning staff has revisited a proposed ordinance, making the following changes to address the public and County Commission concerns, such as:
- The square footage definition of an ADU has been reduced from 1,000 s.f. to 500 s.f. and ADUs will be limited to one bedroom
- ADUs will be prohibited in the Coastal Evacuation Area and Coastal High Hazard Area Overlay Districts
- ADUs will need a dedicated off-street parking space
- A new section has been added to discontinue permitting of guest houses and provide a means of converting an existing guest house into an ADU
- Mobile homes can be used as an ADU in the A zoning district through changes to the proposed ADU language
Learn more about the proposed changes going before the County Commission on Aug. 4 at www.mymanatee.org/ADUs. The topic could come before the Planning Commission for official consideration in October, setting the stage for formal consideration by County Commissioners in November and December.
For more information on Manatee County Government, visit www.mymanatee.org or call (941) 748-4501. You can also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/manatee.county.fl and on Twitter, @ManateeGov.