Manatee County business owners asked to complete brief survey on economic recovery

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (June 8, 2020) – Manatee County Government Redevelopment & Economic Opportunity (REO) Department is calling on local business owners to complete an anonymous survey by Friday, June 12.
REO leaders will use the answers they collect to help the County map its efforts to resume a stable local economy. County leaders want to know how the RECOVER MANATEE COLLABORATIVE could best overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The best way for businesses to advise the county in recovery, is by taking the Manatee County COVID-19 Business Impact Survey,” said Geri Lopez, REO Director. "The results will be analyzed and shared with the Board of County Commissioners and placed on the Manatee County Economic Development website.
The County's business partners (local Chambers of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation and more) are engaged in the Recover Manatee Collaborative to collect the information.
The survey is available in English and in Spanish.
View the latest on Manatee County's community-wide effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by visiting
or text ManateeReady to 888-777. For more information on Manatee County Government, visit or call (941) 748-4501. You can also follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter, @ManateeGov.