MANATEE COUNTY, FL (Oct. 13, 2020) – Applications will reopen later this month for a new round of Manatee CARES Act funding for local residents, small businesses, nonprofit agencies and community organizations.
The application opening dates are:
- Monday, Oct. 19 - CARES Act Funding for Nonprofits (Community Health & Wellbeing)
- Wednesday, Oct. 21 - Recover Manatee Safety First Small Business Grant Program
- Wednesday, Oct. 28 - Manatee CARES Housing Assistance Program
CARES Act funding in this round for nonprofit agencies is only available to expand an existing program to provide food distribution, including special holiday food, to help residents to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Only food distribution related items will be considered in this round of funding for nonprofit agencies.
A separate $5,000 grant for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other items to reopen safely is also available to eligible nonprofits. Nonprofits may apply again even if they already received the $5,000 grant in a previous round.
The third round of the Recover Manatee Safety First Small Business Grant Program offers up to $50,000 in funding for Manatee County businesses that employ up to 500 employees. This includes a $5,000 grant for safe operations and up to $45,000 for reimbursement of documented business losses due to COVID-19.
The Manatee CARES Housing Assistance Program provides rent and mortgage assistance up to $10,000 to Manatee County residents affected by the coronavirus. The program is open to households at or below 150% of the area median income — equal to $80,400 for a one-person household or $114,750 for a four-person household.
To date, Manatee County has approved more than $6 million in CARES Act funding for programs promoting Community Health & Wellbeing and over $10 million in CARES Act funding for Economic Recovery programs, including business recovery, rental and mortgage assistance for residents, and other local nonprofit programs for individuals. View the Manatee CARES Funding Dashboard for more funding data.
For more information on Manatee CARES programs and to apply, visit www.mymanatee.org/manateecares