Manatee County Commissioners confirm Dr. Scott Hopes as interim County Administrator

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (April 1, 2021) -- Manatee County Commissioners today confirmed Dr. Scott Hopes as acting County Administrator.
Dr. Hopes currently serves on the Manatee County School Board and will remain on the School Board while the Governor determines who will fill his School Board seat. He is an experienced international chief executive officer, educator, and leader with government, education and healthcare experience. He has a demonstrated history of leadership working in healthcare, higher education, K-12 education, local, state, national and international governments and Fortune 500 companies.
“The County Administration is my number one priority,” Dr. Hopes said. “I think the School Board has an operating rhythm and I am prepared during this transition period to not only work with the Governor's office and community with regards to identifying a candidate for the Governor to appoint.”
Commissioners were confident in their decision and Commission Chairman Vanessa Baugh agreed with Dr. Hopes’ ability to effectively serve in both roles. “I think he’s got a very clear understanding of what the job entails and how it gets done.” Baugh said.
“We all understand and agree up here that this is our first priority in life and everything else comes second, and I’m confident that Dr. Hopes will feel the same way about his position,” Commissioner George Kruse added. “I’m glad we can start moving this forward and start to move this Board of Manatee County forward under his guidance.”
Commissioners also thanked Deputy County Administrator Karen Stewart for filling in as County Administrator for the past month. She will transition back to her prior role as Deputy County Administrator. “I want to thank (very much) Karen Stewart for taking ahold of this county and running with it, you’ve done an excellent job.” Commissioner Baugh said.