MANATEE COUNTY, FL (July 7, 2021) – Manatee County Emergency Operations Center remains at a partial activation today as our damage assessment team continues to assess impact from Hurricane Elsa.
All Manatee County offices and park facilities will re-open to the public at noon today, but our libraries will remain closed until Thursday.
Extensive rain and roadway flooding in East county has resulted in the closure of Wachula Road at Long Creek. Motorists should detour via Verna Bethany Road. The closure is expected to last through the day on Wednesday while water continues to drain from the watershed.
“Manatee County fared very well and I’m pleased to see our residents took the necessary steps to prepare for this storm,” said Public Safety Director Jacob Saur. “No matter what category the hurricane is, all residents need to take these storms seriously.”
Manatee County’s 311 call center will be open today until 5 p.m. to field calls from the public about any post-damage questions related to Elsa. Damage assessment crews will continue to canvass Manatee County today as residents call the Citizens Information Center (311) line to report damages. 311 operators will request a homeowner's name, number and address that will allow assessment crews to assist, and track all Elsa-related damages.
There will be no recycling collected this week. Only yard waste will be collected on Wednesday. Garbage will be collected Thursday and Friday as usual. All collections will return to normal on Monday, July 12.
Manatee County homeowners should call their homeowners insurance company to file a claim for property damages.