Manatee County Commission: Follow Surgeon General's recommendation, wear face coverings in public

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (June 24, 2020) – After two days of lengthy debate over whether to make face masks mandatory in public, County Commissioners today approved a statement endorsing recommendations from the Florida Surgeon General that state all individuals in Florida SHOULD wear face coverings in any setting where social distancing is not possible.
Commissioners also agreed to other elements of the Public Health Advisory that state:
All individuals over the age of 65 and all individuals of any age with high-risk health conditions should limit personal interactions outside of the home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
All individuals should refrain from participation in social or recreational gatherings of more than 50 people. For all gatherings of fewer than 50 people, individuals should practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least six feet from each other and wear a face covering.
County Commissioners urge Manatee County residents, business owners and visitors to read and adhere to the Surgeon General’s public health advisory issued on June 20, 2020, and respect others that cannot protect themselves in public spaces. The Board of County Commissioners supports businesses that require patrons to wear masks prior to entering their businesses, and requires social distancing if masks are removed.
The Surgeon General's Public Health Advisory can be found at
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