Manatee County Commissioners to consider indoor mandatory face covering ordinance next week

Update: View proposed resolution regarding face coverings
MANATEE COUNTY, FL (July 22, 2020) – Manatee County Commissioners will meet next week to consider a local requirement that would require face coverings to be worn indoors in certain situations in Manatee County. The Board directed the County Attorney's office to "draft, schedule, and advertise the necessary resolutions and ordinances to put in place a mask mandate as soon as possible."
The Board will look to Leon County's face covering order as the basis for one to be considered on Monday at 1:30 p.m. The draft of the resolution and ordinance will be available for public review prior to the meeting.
A resolution could take effect as soon as it is adopted. The Board will hold a special meeting on the resolution on Monday, July 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the Bradenton Area Convention Center. An ordinance requires a 10-day public advertising period. It will likely be drafted and published to the County website by the end of this week.
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