MANATEE COUNTY, FL (July 29, 2020) – With a tropical cyclone forming in the Virgin Islands, Manatee County officials are urging residents to make plans today by having supplies on hand or an evacuation plan if they're in low-lying coastal areas.
"We are entering the peak of Hurricane Season, so now is the time when you must have a plan and be ready," said Public Safety Director Jacob Saur. "We're continuing to remind Manatee County residents that a public shelter should be your absolute last resort if severe weather approaches. Contact friends or family who live inland or outside of evacuation areas and try to stay with them if you need to evacuate."
The National Hurricane Center has placed Manatee County in the five-day cone of uncertainty for the approach of Tropical Cyclone #9. Regardless of the storm’s eventual track, high winds, rain, and flooding or storm surge may affect the area as early as this weekend.
Please continue to monitor local weather sources for information on potential for and timing of any local impacts.There is no indication public shelters will need to open, but when they do during the COVID-19 era, there will be limited capacity due to social distancing. Public shelters should be a person's last resort for safe accommodations.
Manatee County residents are reminded to follow reliable news sources and weather reports to monitor the progress of Tropical Cyclone #9, currently producing heavy rains over the Virgin Islands. The storm has no defined center, but could bring heavy rain and strong wind to Florida late this weekend.
Manatee County Public Safety and Emergency Management officials will deliver an update to County Commissioners tomorrow at 1 p.m. during a break in a regularly scheduled budget workshop at the Bradenton Area Convention Center. The briefing will air live on the County's Facebook page and at mymanatee.org/mga
There are currently no plans to activate the County's Emergency Operations Center. Manatee County residents will find a host of information on storm preparation at mymanatee.org/ManateeReady Residents may also learn about their evacuation and flood zones by visiting the Resident Information Tool at mymanatee.org/information
Text ManateeReady to 888-777 to get the latest updates from the County or follow us on social media.
Manatee County residents who want to be tested for COVID-19 may attend any of the three state-operated locations through tomorrow afternoon. State-run COVID testing sites at Lincoln Park, Home Depot and UTC Mall will suspend operations at the end of business tomorrow, July 30 until Tuesday. If a patient needs a COVID test while the state-operated sites are closed, they may visit a personal physician or a MCR Health location.