The community is invited to participate in the Transform Tomorrow 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan General Survey. Feedback from the public will help the Sarasota/Manatee MPO understand the community’s transportation concerns, needs, and desires. It will also help the MPO understand attitudes toward potential solutions, and how those solutions should be prioritized.
The Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization updates the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) every five years in order to account for geographic shifts in local demographics and changes to location of economic activities (employment, shopping, restaurants, etc), and we are going through this update process right now.
The purpose of the 2045 LRTP is to develop future transportation facilities in Sarasota and Manatee Counties. The LRTP must consider the full complement of transportation modes — roads, bicycles, pedestrians, trails, transit, parking, railroads and airports. The plan includes at least twenty years and must be updated every five years. The 2045 LRTP must include robust public involvement to shape the final plan.
Residents of Sarasota and Manatee counties will have plenty of opportunities throughout 2020 to share their thoughts, comments, and concerns about transportation during the 2045 Long Range Plan Update process.
Please click the link below to participate in our Transform Tomorrow survey:
If you would like to get involved in Long Range Transportation planning: