Manatee County Commissioners to hold virtual meeting at 1 p.m. today, April 10

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (April 9, 2020) – Manatee County Commissioners will hold their first entirely virtual meeting April 10 at 1 p.m. to consider a seven-day extension of a supplemental local emergency resolution intended to protect public safety by preventing the spread of COVID-19. Commissioners originally approved the resolution on April 3.
Each Commissioner will participate in the meeting by video conference. Members of the public and media can watch the meeting live on and on Manatee Government Access (MGA) Spectrum channel 644, Verizon channel 30 and Comcast channel 20. The first floor Patricia M. Glass County Commission Chambers will be open for those who want to provide comments over a conference line available in that room. Citizens are asked to adhere to the CDC's social distancing guidelines inside the Chambers.
The supplemental emergency resolution created a temporary local curfew and provides local law enforcement agencies the ability to enforce group gathering restrictions on private property, in conjunction with Governor DeSantis' Executive Order 20-91 & 20-92. Apart from the emergency resolution, County Commissioners tomorrow will discuss whether to send a letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis asking him to extend restrictions on vacation rentals outlined in Executive Order 20-87. Those restrictions are set to expire tomorrow, April 10 but the County's Policy Group would like for the deadline to coincide with other executive orders that will expire April 30. The agenda for tomorrow's emergency meeting can be found on the County's website.
View the latest on Manatee County's community-wide effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by visiting
or text ManateeReady to 888-777. For more information on Manatee County Government, visit or call (941) 748-4501. You can also follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter, @ManateeGov.