MANATEE COUNTY, FL (May 27, 2020) – Manatee County Libraries lovers, who have checked out thousands of digital resources over the past three months, will have another option to access library materials next week. On Monday, Manatee Libraries will begin offering curbside materials pickup as the public library system begins a phased reopening plan.
This pickup service will be available by appointment at all six library branches during regular location hours. Each library branch will remain closed for now but the County plans to reopen Manatee Libraries to the public with limited hours and reduced occupancy later in June. Manatee Libraries' LITle Discovery Center will remain closed for now.
Library team members have begun making appointments for material holds that were made in during the public closure. (Patrons can hold materials online or via phone). Once the materials have pulled and patrons have received notification via email, text or phone, pickup appointments can be made.
Patrons can place items on hold for the library location where they'd like to pick them up. You'll then receive a notification when your items are ready for pickup. After that, the patron may call his/her library branch to schedule a pickup appointment. Head to the branch at the appointment time and follow the directions on posted signs. Staff will check out the library materials and place them outside on a table for "grab and go."
Interim Library Services Manager, Cathy Laird, said the community has requested nearly 7,500 library materials while all Manatee County facilities have been closed.
“We are happy to start getting our customers the physical materials they need," Laird said. "We appreciate our customers’ understanding and flexibility to use an approach that will help to keep both customers and staff healthy.”
A Manatee Libraries card is needed in order to request and check out materials. eCards can be activated and used immediately to make holds or to download any of Manatee Libraries’ digital resources, which include ebooks/audiobooks, streaming movies and music and learning tools.
Neighborhood Services Director, Ava Ehde, said the response to Manatee Libraries’ online story times, tutoring support while schools have switched temporarily to elearning, eBooks, streaming movies and downloadable music has been immense while County offices and other organizations have been closed.
“We are proud of our library team who has been working during the closure to help shut ins with wellness check calls, support homeless and feeding initiatives, develop online book clubs and story times and to disinfect and make some improvements to our locations,” said Ehde.
Updates will be posted on Manatee Libraries’ website at mymanatee.org/library, on Facebook & Instagram @manateelibraries and Twitter @manateelibrary.
For more information on Manatee County Government, visit www.mymanatee.org or call (941) 748-4501. You can also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/manatee.county.fl and on Twitter, @ManateeGov.